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4 Quick Ways To Decrease Anxiety

There are many ways we can decrease overwhelm. And I know anxiety all too well. I spent most of my life with a fast heart rate. I was shaking, trembling, and overthinking, more times than not.

The fight or flight was real, whether dealing with severe and moderate allergies, my evolving scoliosis, or a certain degree of trauma—constant and routine. Life was almost impossible to manage independently, so I coasted and spent my school-age years in silence.

I’ve had a few rock-bottom lows throughout my adulthood, and for the most part, I don’t consider myself “filled with anxiety” anymore. Instead, I feel at peace most days, which is a crazy feeling and a new way of living. One that I love and can’t believe is possible.

So, how did I get here?

While my anxiety isn’t 100 percent cured, it feels non-existent compared to the person I was before.

It wasn’t just one quick change but a culmination of steps over the last few years.

At 20, I took anti-anxiety medication. While I was on it for years and not entirely against it, I’m proud to say I’m doing well without it.

So, aside from therapy, medication, and traditional routes, here are four other quick ways to decrease anxiety:

1. Lean on God

First, lean on God and release fears and overwhelm. Did you know that reading the Bible releases dopamine? Between praying, meditating, deepening your relationship with Him, and reading biblical wisdom, you’re better equipped to take on your day. When it comes to healthy relationships, don't underestimate the power of your Creator.

2. Become Aware

Know who you are and what you will/won’t tolerate, and lean on strengths instead of focusing on weaknesses. Write down your feelings! Focus on boundaries and gratefulness, and stick to a daily routine. Your environment matters.

3. Implement Systems

Organization helps! Put systems in place to improve mental health. Declutter your mind and surroundings. If you’re worried about forgetfulness: mark your calendar, utilize the Notes app, and set alarms on your phone. Regularly keeping track of ideas, dates, work-related duties, and errands will ease your mind.

4. Improve Lifestyle Habits

A diet with whole foods, proper supplements, deep breathing, and movement is critical for mental well-being. Get checked by a doctor or an integrative doctor to determine your needs. Also, you may want to limit or avoid alcohol.

Your Next Steps

Making the step could be the biggest anxiety game-changer! We all have different bodies, brains, and experiences, but making small changes can help anxiety.

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